We recommend that you allow time for testing and setup after download. It is NOT recommended to update your system immediately before a race/test weekend. There is a small chance that the hardware could be rendered unusable, requiring a quick-turnaround service to Davis Technologies.
- 8-19-18 Firmware Version 1.6- NEW SELF LEARNING (start on Mode 5)
- 12-15-17 Firmware Version 1.5- (same as Ver 1.4 with 32 trigger ring support)
- 4-28-17 Firmware Version 1.4
2-4-17 Firmware Version 1.3- BUG FOUND! Please Update to Version 1.4 (affects non-SL mode only)
You will need a micro USB cable to perform update.
Serial numbers 7586 and higher already have version 1.6
Serial numbers lower than 7585 should be updated.
Serial numbers 7550 or lower need to be sent in for a hardware update AND updated to Ver 1.5 or higher to support 32 trigger ring.
* The serial Number is engraved on the back below the manufacture date
This new firmware has been tuned to better meet the requirements of today’s race cars, which are achieving lower E.T. and 60 ft times than the original firmware allowed for. The older firmware is proving to be too sensitive early in a run and not sensitive enough down track. This new firmware version 1.6 should correct this situation as well as utilizing a new Self Learning algorithm.
It is recommended that all users upgrade, as the overall sensitivity is different than the previous versions (approx. 3 clicks less sensitive, old Mode 1 is now Mode 4). Having all units in the field operating on the same firmware not only aids when comparing notes with other racers, it also allows for more efficient tech support if needed.Note- To check which version of firmware you currently have, follow these steps.
1. With the power on (from car or USB), Set Mode dial to 1, and Press the test button.
2. After 8 seconds the Green LED will turn off, then begin blinking out the firmware in Red.
(Example– one blink, followed by a pause, then 2 consecutive blinks= 1.2)Updating the firmware is simple, just follow the steps below.
1. Download and Unzip the firmware file for your unit at the end of these instructions.
(You will need the serial number from the back of the unit to determine the correct file)2. Set the Left knob (Mode) to 7.
3. Plug in the micro USB cable, which will power up the unit.
4 .Press and Hold down the black “Test” button.
5. The LED will flash Yellow, then turn solid Green.
6. Release the “Test” button.
7. The Computer should now recognize the USB Device.
8. Once the computer is ready, run the update file.
(DavisTech_UPD.exe located in the unzipped folder)9. In the USB Updater Screen, click “Program” in the
Menu Bar, Then click “Program” to Update.*If your unit does not power up from the USB, you will need to update in the car, and apply car power at step 3.
For serial numbers 7210-7585 Click Here
If you receive an error message about hardware incompatibility Click Here
After updating, all setting will be set to factory default, including trigger count. You may need to reset these parameters to match your setup. Check User Manual for Instructions.
To set trigger count to 32, follow these instructions.
If you wish to roll back the update to Version 1.5, use the links below and follow the above procedure.
For serial numbers 7210-7508 Click Here
If you receive an error message about hardware incompatibility Click Here
If you wish to roll back the update to Version 1.2, use the links below and follow the above procedure.
For serial numbers 7210-7508 Click Here
If you receive an error message about hardware incompatibility Click Here
Note: You can save the downloaded files on your PC and update or roll back the firmware at any time, without being online.